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Team #494 - Promoting Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions Through Education.pptx

I graduated high school in 3 years by taking classes that both applied to college and to my high school.

I also hope to take college classes that apply both to my Bachelor's and my Masters together.

The better you know your high school and college the more likely you are to get the track you want. You might not want to fast track and that is OK. I just want you to make informed decisions.

I was scrambling to get into college one month before college started.

SCRAMBLING says it mildly because I had little idea that I was graduating so early.

Regardless of where you're at in your journey, always know and feel strong in understanding and believing you have options. This is the country that allows everyone to get the education and skills that they desire.

Some people can succeed without going to college. However, those are few in numbers.

The world ahead is expecting that you will show that you have the ability, drive, and resilience to do what it takes to get a degree. It's important to employers, to banks that want to give you a loan, and to future important relationships. It seems that the subject of your college degree or degrees (you can get as many as you want) always come into question.